Teething Baby Survival Guide

Teething baby survival guide

Oh the drool!  Little one is gnawing, biting, slobbering and munching away!  That baby is teething and it can be maddening.  Their little fingers become teething talons and the poor dear cannot help that the Niagara Falls of saliva is pouring out of their mouth.  Teething time is one to be ready for.  It’s time to get into gear and prepare with this simple Teething Baby Survival Guide.

An uncomfortable baby is an unhappy baby.  As parents, we don’t want that slobbery little munchkin to suffer from the chompers that are fighting their way in.  There are several remedies and options out there, however, these are what worked best for our family.  I really strive to keep things natural with our kiddos.  Therefore, this list consists of natural or homeopathic items.

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